
712, 2022

New beer

By |December 7th, 2022|Categories: General|

We are pleased to announce that we have expanded our range of beers for the upcoming winter season. Gösser Österreicher Bestes Bier and Hacker Pschorr Hefe Weisse are now available for you.

2001, 2022

Designed for mountain lovers

By |January 20th, 2022|Categories: General|

Mountains as far as you can see.... Spend one or more nights on the Dachstein Plateau. Make the days sporty, whether with alpine skiing on the 11 km long downhill run or in the open area with freeriding, an extensive ski tour or a hike with snowshoes. In February and March 2022 we still have free rooms. Please send inquiries to:

502, 2021

Anticipation and confidence

By |February 5th, 2021|Categories: General|

Anticipation and confidence At the moment we unfortunately have to keep our lodge closed for day and overnight guests due to the Corona regulations. As soon as the authorities allow it, we will be there for you again. So all that remains is the anticipation of beautiful moments on the mountain. You are welcome to call us on 0043 (0) 664 3804054 or book yourself in for the [...]

2402, 2018

Snowshoe days

By |February 24th, 2018|Categories: Allgemein|

Snowshoe days at Krippenstein Snowshoe days at Krippenstein Two great days at Krippenstein. Discover the beautiful winter landscape with the whole family! Depending on ability and conditions, the tour destinations are selected to make the two days enjoyable and unforgettable. Together with our snowshoe guide Barbara Bichler you will discover the fairytale winter landscape! Spend two nights in the lodge at the Krippenstein with half board and view of [...]

2402, 2018

Dachstein Rush

By |February 24th, 2018|Categories: Allgemein|

DACHSTEIN Rush DACHSTEIN Rush - the mountain is not enough Samstag, 24.März 2018 - Dachstein-Krippenstein 2100m, 4831 Obertraun Am 5. April fällt der Startschuss zum ersten großen Abenteuer der Saison: der Dachstein RUSH. Wenige Minuten nach Sonnenaufgang gehen die rund Ausdauer-Athleten aus ganz Europa auf die 150 Kilometer lange Radstrecke von Wels nach Obertraun am Dachstein. Der Weg führt von der oberösterreichischen Radsport-Metropole Wels ins Salzkammergut – immer entlang [...]

2402, 2018


By |February 24th, 2018|Categories: Allgemein|

Fassdaubenrennen 4. Fassdaubenrennen Krippenstein Samstag, 24.März 2018 - Dachstein-Krippenstein 2100m, 4831 Obertraun Programm: ab 10.30 Uhr freies Training 13.00 Uhr Rennen 16.30 Uhr Siegerehrung in der Lodge anschließend Ofenbratl- Essen mit toller Tombola! ab 21.00 Uhr Seilbahn Talfahrten. Wer keine eigenen Fassdauben hat, kann sich für das Rennen kostenlos vor Ort welche ausleihen. Für die Leih- Fassdauben werden feste Bergschuhe benötigt. Skischuhbindungen und Skibelag nicht erlaubt! Gefahren wird [...]

Suites & Rooms

Rosifka KG

Winkl 52, 4831 Obertraun, Austria

Phone: +43 6131 21801

Mobile: +43 664 380 405 4

Fax: 123 4567


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